Who We Are

We started as a single chat group and have evolved into a network across multiple sites, servers, & social platforms. We are not an organization or a business just a group of individuals across the internet running chatrooms. Education in the coding languages is our mission to help bring people together so everyone may learn from each other in order to help each other develop software faster.

Documentation today can be pretty complex lots of it requiring you to have some prior knowledge or basic understanding of another language or a terminal command you may not be familiar with. It’s becoming harder for someone with no knowledge to find a starting point where they can comprehend, learn, & iterate. It can be a headache searching for an explanation of a function’s terminology when trying to understand what any or all of it means. One does not simply get an instant result on what the difference between const, var, orlet are & an explanation on how their used.

Why is Documentation Important?

When you go asking around people tell you what they know & how they use it. This isn’t a great way to understand because your not getting an appropriate definition to help you understand how you may utilize that function. There’s more then one way to do everything and some ways handle better & faster then others.

As a coding developer we should look to help others maybe one day that random person you helped that one time might become your next lead developer on a project you’ve been working on. I cannot get everything done by myself nobody can there’s so much diversity when it comes to code you need a team of people to get things done. Together the community can be the dream team we must support each other so we can support ourselves in future endeavors.


Unification is the way to create wonders we can all work together to build the next free open source software. Many people work independently with the same ideas and are at different pieces of the puzzle why not come together and work on the same ideas together? 10 people working on one program must be faster then 1 person working alone.


Together we can move quickly from planning to development then on to testing resulting in faster time to creating the first stable version.

You don’t have to work alone there are people willing to help. You just have to speak up and let everyone know whats happening!


We learn better with others then on our own that’s a fact! Take your education into the coding languages seriously. Learning is a constant process that is continuously evolving.